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For this THROWBALL game, you need to register as a team. Here you will be playing with your opponents as teams.

The registration fee for an entire team in this game is 500 rupees/- only.

For registration,


The last date for registration is 14th OCTOBER, 2021 .

Rules of the game:

Throwball is a team sport. Each team consists of twelve players with 7 active players at the time of play and 5 substitutes.The match is played for best of 3 sets for 25 points in each set with rally score.The players have to catch the ball with both hands and return it by one hand only.The ball that to be served should be released from above the shoulder/shoulder line of the player.The service ball should not touch the net.Double touches are not allowed for receiving the service ball.The players should serve the ball after the whistle is blown and within 5 seconds.Players should serve the ball from the service-zone but without crossing the end line.If the player's ball has fallen on the box line or in the dead zone, then it is regarded as a foul.Any ball that has been caught during the rally is to be released within 3 seconds.The players have to stay in a 2-3-2 position at the time of service.Players are not allowed to shift the ball from right to left or left to right else, penalty points are given.In the entire match, there are two time-outs of 30 seconds in each set.The players need to wear a proper uniform,i.e. shorts and jersey with numbers printed on both front and back sides. Only numbers from 1-12 are allowed to be used.Two players cannot catch the ball simultaneously, or the team loses points.