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For this TENNICOIT game, you need to register as a single player. Here you will be playing with your opponent in single vs. single player ,or you can give an entry as doubles..!

The registration fee for single player is 50 rupees/- only.

The registration fee for double entry is 100 rupees/- only.

For registration,


The last date for registration is 14th OCTOBER, 2021 .

Tennicoit Rules and Regulations:

  • Players have to catch coit ring with only one hand and throw it properly.
  • The coit Ring be thrown with the same hand it has been caught and without wobbling.
  • Also players are not allowed to step into the area under the Net which is called as dead Court.
  • Players are not allowed to walk and run with the ring.
  • Tennicoit is played in three (3) sets of games and each set consists of twenty one (21) points.
  • In addition to this, to win the match players have to win at least two (2) Sets of the game.
  • Also to win a Set player have to make twenty one (21) points with at least two (2) points lead against opponent. For example: ‘Player A’ will win the Set if he/she scores twenty one(21) points while his/her opponent ‘Player B’ is at nineteen(19) points.
  • If Both player A and player B scores twenty (20) points each, then that player who scores twenty two (22) will be awarded as winner of the set.
  • Also in this game each player has to take five (5) services continuously, regardless of the fact that player lost or wins the point.
  • In addition, Players have to serve the coit ring over the Net diagonally into the opponent court.